Systemic coaching is counseling without advising. Systemic coach does not approach the client as an isolated unit with its own problem, but as a carrier of the symptom of the larger system they belong to. An individual and the system are in constant interaction, an individual affects the system and is in the field of its effect. Coaching analyses relationships between the client and other members of their environment (family, group, team, etc.), resolves complications and sheds light on systemic and personal contributions to the situation the client found themselves in.
The basic premise the coaching starts from is that the client is the expert for solving their problem and the coach with his wide range of skills and techniques provides help for self-help. Like a master electrician in a theater, the coach points the light to those parts of the client’s life stage that are in the dark and where, besides obstacles the client is tripping on, overlooked or forgotten creative potentials, resources and qualities which can remove the obstacles and thus make the choice, decision and action easier, also are.
In systemic coaching equal attention is paid to WHAT and HOW, the two aspects of the client’s thinking, feeling and actions – what am I thinking about and how am I thinking, what am I feeling and how am I feeling, what am I doing and how am I doing it. Systemic coaching is process- and solution-oriented, not problem-oriented. During the work, the concepts and formats of systemic constellations suited for working with individuals are used, among the rest.
Duration and frequency of the coaching are determined by you yourself – some may need only a small incentive to start or change something while others might want longer and continued support, and the third may opt for a comprised and intensive one. No matter which method you decide upon, it is my mission to help you strengthen your own initiative, self-confidence and responsibility for oneself.